At a certain stage of their domination, the British administrations of each sector of Zo divided country began to realise their blunder in thoughtlessly dividing and putting one people with one tradition, one culture and with one language into three administrative units in what become three different countries, viz, Burma, East Bengal (Bangladesh) and India. In recognition of the unfair consequences of splitting of the Zomi, the British Government of India held the Chin-Lushai Conference of 1892 at Fort Williams (Calcutta, West Bengal), in which they decided to ‘amalgamate the whole tract of country known as the Chin-Lushai Hills under one administrative head. The boundaries of the new administrative area should be, generally speaking, the boundaries of the tract occupied by the savages newly brought under the British control’ (Resoln 4). The unification of North and South Lushai Hills was done as the initial implementation of the Resolutions of the Conference. But time and tide left the main issue of re-unifying the whole tract of Zomi inhabited areas unfulfilled.
In 1941, His Excellency Sir Robert Reid, the Governor of Assam and High Commissioner of British India again made a proposal for re-unification of the Chin-Lushai country under one administrative head. The late Sir Winston Churchill, then a Prime Minister of Britain, had approved Sir Robert Reid’s plan in principle. But the Labour Party which came to power after World War II did not take up the matter due to lack of conversant with the ground realities.
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